Sunday, December 27, 2009










Monday, November 16, 2009



Thursday, November 5, 2009




听见一句话,由两首歌合拼 “为了你而活,都是我的错”。



试问, 知心的有几个呢?
试问, 几个会保持联络呢?


Saturday, October 31, 2009



Friday, September 25, 2009


刚才去了温泉(好像很class酱,其实并不然),所以,还是叫回“热水湖” 好点。哈哈。最近,不知道为什么去“热水湖”泡“热水湖”好像变成了一股热潮。。。。





Thursday, September 24, 2009



Thursday, August 13, 2009

I am who i am ???

"I am who i am" 这句话相信大家都很常听吧?可是小弟最近对它有点点的思考一下。小弟得到的结论是这句话是不合逻辑和不可能发生的。为什么?让小弟分享下我的看法。 

从社会心理学来看,我们从小就已经被我们的父母教导如何做人,他们已经将他们认为对和错的东西教了我们。父母已经在我们的成长过程里朔造了我们的性格,行事为人,对人,事,物的看法,处理方式等等。 所以,这点来说,当时的你还那么小,你根本都不懂你是谁,你不懂原本的你是如何的,但你以被教导成你父母的孩子。

第二,当你长大了,你接触社会,认识朋友。人的存在价值其从一个原因是"gain acceptance" 就是说,得到社会,朋友,老师,同事,女朋友,男朋友,老板和其他闲杂人物的接纳和肯定。所以,为了得到这些闲杂人物,重要人物的接纳,肯定,那你会很自然的改变你自己去迎合他人(adaptation),然后久而久之,你就习惯了你已改变的“东西”,那换句话说,你以经不是你自己了。而且,你能告诉你的老板“我就是酱的咯”你不怕你没饭开吗?哈哈。。。

所以,小弟觉得,我们根本都不懂我们自己原本是一个如何的人(real self/true self)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


今天刚从朋友手中拿了DVD,这是前一排帮我的朋友拍的MV,忽然蛮想念那段时间,那时候拍得照片。拍过的照片是蛮美的,蛮有质数的咯。。 虽然不是很会演戏但很爱自拍的我,面对镜头还是有点的尴尬。今天见回女主角evelyn,她吓到一下。。哈哈。。为什么? 她说我瘦了很多。。她也剪了发型,变成受熟了,漂亮了很多。。至于她的死党kinex,真让少爷吓一跳,她的头发真的短到。。。。不敢相信。。晚上就把一 些不属于我的东西还给一个整8个月没见的人。。希望他过很好,快乐的和他的爱人生活着。。。无论如何,时间过得很快,大家都忙着自己的生活,忙学业,忙工 作。。相聚的时间少了,但是心理却在想念着你们。。


Saturday, August 1, 2009


谁人喜欢吃猪脚醋吗?少爷我还蛮爱吃的咧。。。这就是homemake 的猪脚醋咯!是不是好像很好吃咧? 哈哈。。。你们只可以看没得吃,很惨吧?



Friday, July 31, 2009


今天帮了朋友庆祝生日,地点在甲kepong的honeymoon。东西算不错,少爷我就还是属于保守派的,所以还是叫了最原始的“番薯糖水” ,少爷挑剔的嘴就觉得稀了点咯。。姜味okie la.....但是,少爷我觉得“甜品哥哥”的“番薯糖水”不错一下咯。。。。虽说见面时间不长,但也聊了一大堆有的没得东西。而且,我发现当有我们这4条水出现的时候,最吵得就是我们的咯。。麻烦这4条水你们好好反省一下啦!不要丢我的面子咯!真是的。。。。

Wednesday, July 29, 2009



我家有两位女的。。一个天生烦,一个天生懒(不是普通的懒而是懒到出汁那种)一个烦女人(当然她的出发点是好的,我了解这一点)一直在追问那个懒到可以拖去“打靶”的那个不能用的女人(其实是女子) 的行踪的时候,那位打靶女人完全不回应任何烦女人的问题。。。。结果。。烦烦下,就烦到我,我就忽然变了那位“懒笑扎波” 的律师,帮她回答问题ssssss。。真是几够力一下。。。 然后我就载着懒笑扎波去PC Fair training。塞车了整整一小时,耽误了少爷我的行程,到刚刚我才知道他为了看superband的演唱会而不要做工。。(这个更够力。。她做PC fair 是为了赚钱买演唱会的票哦!!就因为做工时间和演唱会撞时间所以她不做)真的是!@#@#!@$#%@##^$%&^%*&()*&(^*%$%#@$#$!$@$@G 。我真的很想AB她的CD咯。。 

各位,那位懒到没人有,可以拖去打靶的那位笑扎波是本少爷的妹妹。。。不悄女。。。。她既然把少爷口中的那位烦女人弄哭了。。。人读心理学她读心理学。。。 读到你这个样子。。真是让本少爷无言,只是觉得家人把一笔那么大的钱给她读书结果得到的“Bachelor of SOCIETY RUBBISH"。。不瞒你们,她的学费虽说有PTPTN 但是,一开始读的时候是拿了家里的棺材本,到处借钱好不容易才让到她进去的。。。


Saturday, July 4, 2009


家长们,虽然说你是给钱你的爱儿爱女来学琴,但你不是大完的好吗?请你用你的“人”脑想一下。如果你的儿子,女儿是那么的宝贝,那就给他们在家“叹世界”啦!笨!为什么还要让他们去学那么多东西?承受压力? 老师收了你的钱就不能有脾气吗?老师不能严吗?老师需跟你的爱儿爱女底身下气吗?你白痴啊?酱厉害,你自己来教啦!你以为你们的宝贝容易教啊? 收你少少钱,在那边嫌3嫌4!自己懒不来上课,但又要老师补课?你当老师很得空啊? 神经病!


Thursday, June 18, 2009


生日的前夕有点的不开心,应该说蛮不开心的。。 同时写了两个部落格,神经有问题。。。对啊!真的是神经病。。因为我的好朋友全部说我神经病,因为我向他们提议明晚去clubbing。。。所以就的了神经病咯! 
本想开心的,但太多的东西冲向我而来。。 现在的我好想被浸在超大声的音乐世界里,朋友这是我想去clubbing的原因,虽然你们时常叫我去跳舞,我都拒绝,那是因为我真的不会跳,我不像你们可以跳得那么好,那么的自信。但是,至少我有进步啊!有时当你处在一个很强的节奏感的音乐时,很自然的这已经让你达到一定的发泄度和享受度!虽然,你们都觉得没意思,浪费钱和时间,但我相信你们一定真的有enjoy到吧!对我来说,我个人真的很爱超有节奏感的音乐,和很玄的bass,我clubbing的原因就是这样而已,虽然你们可以说在家也可以听啊!每人的时候开大大声不就好了吗?但是,那感觉真的是不同的!


Hush Hush....

前几天朋友介绍了这首歌给我,第一次听只是被它的 “hush hush" 吸引,但今天正正式式的听了一次 ,原来是很好听的。平时的我只是对音乐会有所反应,要听懂歌词,还是回家上网找吧!我是位听歌词的白痴,但是很神奇的我既然听得到里面的歌词咧!虽然不是100% 啦,但至少也有60-70%吧!不错哦!歌词也蛮特别的。。。 就让小弟在此和大家分享吧!但只有歌词哦。。至于歌呢,就自己上youtube吧!


Hush Hush by Pussycat dolls

Oooooh ooooh
I never needed you to be strong
I never needed you for pointin' out my wrongs
i never needed pain,i never needed strain.
My love for you was strong enough you should've known.
I never needed you for judgement
I never needed you to question what i spent
I never asked for help, I take care of myself, I don't know why you think you got a hold on me.
And it's a little in the conversations
There isn't anything that you can say.
And my eyes hurt, hands shiver, so look at me and listen to me because,

I don't want to
Stay another minute
I don't want you
To say a single word
Hush Hush, Hush Hush
There is no other way
I get the final say
I don't want to
Do this any longer
I don't want you
There's nothing left to say
Hush Hush, Hush Hush
I've already spoken
Our love is broken
Baby Hush Hush

I never needed your corrections
On everything from how i act to what i say
i never needed words, i never needed hurt, i never needed you to be there everyday
I'm sorry for the way i let go
Of everything i wanted when you came along
But i am never beaten, broken, not defeated
I know next to you is not where i belong
And it's a little late for explanations
There isn't anything that you can do
And my eyes hurt, hands shiver, so you will listen when i say baby

I don't want to
Stay another minute
I don't want you
To say a single word
Hush Hush, Hush Hush
There is no other way
I get the final say
I don't want to
Do this any longer
I don't want you
There's nothing left to say
Hush Hush, Hush Hush
I've already spoken
Our love is broken
Baby Hush Hush

No more words
No more lies
No more crying ooh ooh
No more pain
No more hurt
No more tryin' Oh Oh Yeah

I don't want to
Stay another minute
I don't want you
To say a single word
Hush Hush, Hush Hush
There is no other way
I get the final say
I don't want to
Do this any longer
I don't want you
There's nothing left to say
Hush Hush, Hush Hush
I've already spoken
Our love is broken
Baby Hush Hush

Yeah Oh
Hush Hush, Hush Hush
I've already spoken
Our love is broken

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

stOp cOMpLaiNinG, pOsiTivE tHinKiNg....

最近参加了一个运动那就是 “紫色手环”运动...... 这运动是关于 “stOp cOMpLaiNinG, pOsiTivE tHinKiNg” 就是我这个部落格的题目了。。虽说已开始戴的时候只是戴爽,但是。。。。 今天,我忽然间开始了我抱怨的第一个字的时候,脑海里马上有一股声音“小子,不要抱怨哦!” 过后很自然的我收口了。。奇怪吧!我也没想到原来它已经无形中,启动了。。。。

当然,当别人和我抱怨的时候。。。我的心情已经是从“是啦。。bla bla bla...." 到 “哦。。” 我的心情就是听了就算,我也不想添加任何我自己的看法。神奇吧? 一开始我真的是觉得我是不可能做到不抱怨的。。我是一位超爱抱怨的,爱批评的小伙子。。是在开我玩笑吧!哪有可能啊??

虽然,我不能真的像其他人一样真的跟着这紫色手环的规则走,但是至少它已成为我的一个提醒。。 不抱怨其实比起正面思想来的容易。。。当然各有各的难之处,但要把每一个负面的思想变成正面是在真的蛮难的,感觉上像自欺欺人咧! 无论如何,我相信这不只是我一个要学习的功课,也是给大家的一个学习!

"stOp cOMpLaiNinG, pOsiTivE tHinKiNg...."

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

今天,心情有点开心。。为什么呢?我也不知道咧!可能是听了这一首歌 “青花瓷” 虽说这不是一首新歌但是最近才发觉有这首歌。。。哈哈。。。是不是太迟了呢? 这首歌的旋律很自然的我爱上了,尤其是副歌。 看了他的MV就更喜欢了!



Friday, May 8, 2009

今天开始了新的一份工作,严格来说只是换了个地点而以。到nilai 教琴真的是另小弟有点惊吓。怎么说呢?之前教的都是一般我们会看到的人-小孩- 但是来到这里 完全是。。。和往常 一样,还是很多的小孩学琴但是他们原来都是讲英文的哦而却大部分是马来人!好不可思议,因为我以为这里很乡下咧。。。 原来我错了!今天就被吓了两次, 第一个惊吓是我有一个学生是大约40-50岁的马来叔叔,第二个惊吓就是我有另一个比刚才更老的印度叔叔是我的学生。我教了两年的琴,真的是吓倒。。。我从来没教过大我那么多的学生。。。。好不同习惯哦。。。

我当时的想法就是。。"shit..what should I teach?? how should I teach them?"

Monday, April 20, 2009


为什么?? 难道做人真的是那么辛苦吗?对别人百般的容忍,迁就,忍气吞声。。就算你觉得你没错。。。 到最后最痛苦的还不是自己!可能别人还会把指头指向你呢!如果对别人以牙还牙,两败俱伤。。 大家不爽大家。。。如把气往自己肚子里吞, 气就往头脑飙,脑排出毒素,你就会比别人早死一点。。。

那到底如何才能找到平衡呢? 我死先还是同归于尽?难道就不能有别的路了吗?退一步,海阔天空。。。大家都放下自己那份该死的面子,尊严不就好了吗? 一意孤行,对你有好处吗? 当事情处在一发不可收拾局面的时候,顽固,坚持自己的 原则等于自毁! 你看懂了吗???

Saturday, April 18, 2009




好像去吃喝玩乐,但就没钱,所以这假期还是乖乖对着白里带黄的4幅墙,计划假期要练琴但不知自己会不会过分懒惰,结果就带着已僵硬,生锈和超不灵活的手指回去学校 见老师!

最近也遇到一些满另我讨厌和伤心的事情。然而,我选择了对所谓不愉快的事情不出声,压抑了自己内心愤怒和悲伤。解释 其实也起不了任何的作用,所以我还是觉得,沉默是最好的途径,就算不是你的问题,还是沉默最好! 我有我态度,接受这个的我,要不然就请你离开!我想这样对大家都好!哈哈!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

wish ; but

many things i wish to say, but i can't
many things i wish to share, but i don't know how to share
many things i wish to tell, but i don't dare to tell
many things i wish to do, but i can't do it
many things i wish to try, but i have no enough time
many things i wish i could, but i could not

Monday, March 9, 2009

3km/j on plus highway ?

On the way back from lumut, we decided to took Plus highway, out from Bidor toll heading back to KL. Once we out from Bidor toll and I was able to become a Formula 1 driver just for few minutes, then the 3km/j speed journey start...this is the worst jam i ever had ???? just a 20km distances but i had used about 5 hours to finished this journey. My God.... 5 hours jam....

Monday, February 23, 2009

24/2/2009 -Tuesday-1:16am

Suppose i should rushing my assignment on composing my music, English pop, Instrumental, Tutorial exercises, Presentaion and etc... But, i am just too stress and frustrated. I MUST do something else, so this is what i am doing - blogging- I wish to shout out loud now if i can, but it's 1:20am now, so I can't. I wish to give up my works but i can't cause I don't dare.

I really really stress up right now. All messy around, my brain went blank. I guess every field have it own difficulties but i guess other courses will never frustrate as music student do. If u ever have a friend who studying music then you will definitely understand.

The stress is really cannot be describe, the frustration that musician facing is undefinable. Btw, the moment, right now... 1.26am, danny is feeling like want to commit suicide or have an serious accident and pass away so that he can skip everything. But, danny is coward coz he dont dare to do that....Stupid??? but this is what he thinking right now...

ARGH....i wish i can calm down now....

p/s: the date and time i posted is the right one.....

The End

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

No Network Coverage?????

If u are a maxis/hotlink user, then i guess you should know what's the problem with it...
I am a digi and hotlink user, i used to be a digi user when i was in my secondary school as most of my friends are using digi. But, things change after we grad, everyone switch to hotlink. So, in order to save cost, so it is better switch to hotlink/maxis as well. Hotlink used to having a good network coverage but I just don understand why recently it could be like that...maxis/ hotlink is kinda annoying... argh….

Well, when the time u wan to send a sms or even make an outgoing call to someone...always u can't reach or u cant send the msg to your friends. Doesn’t it is irritating??

Poor services, always with the network coverage problem...always said there will be an updates and will having an interruption but does it improve the service after all those interruption?? I doubt that…

Digi/maxis?? "xxx always ur smartest choice" ?????

critical thinking???

what's the hell is that????
i am studying on critical thinking?? i can't believe it..
perhaps what i expect from this course is different with what i got from it. Well, i would conclude that this course is ridiculous, stupid and wasting time… and the worst is the lecturer is more annoying… She is just pretending that she is an expert, so call professor… well…honestly speaking I am doubting your “professor” !!! The more I listen to her lectures the more I hate her, and the more I found how stupid she could be…. Haha… She don’t even prepare for the lecture before she entering the class… argh… let’s have a example… for the first class, she said all the power points notes are done by her and then the previous lectured we discuss about the chemistry instant in our brain…everybody pls guess what was her explanation for that particular topic??? Let me tell u the answer… she said : “I am not a science stream based student or a chemistry based so I don know how to pronounce those scientific terms, and I don know how it works…”
GOSH…if u is a professor and teaching this course, aren’t ur job is telling us the right things ??? if you don’t know just ask ur colleagues or someone that can help you before u enter the class pls… omg… argh… stop pretending... PROFESSOR…..

such a fool !!!!

gosh...can u imagine how stupid i am??? yea i know i am btw..
well, i was planning to write a new blog, but with the "smartness" i have , i want to delete the draft that automatically saved in this blogspot webpage, but once i delete it then all the blog that i had post last week was GONE.... OMG...stupid... argh...

well, today someone knew something that she not suppose to know... or i should say...I don wish to let her know...coz i know the consequences of it if she knew it...but.. fact is ...she knew it...since then..alright i was telling myself..don care..i don care anymore... whatever...