Saturday, July 10, 2010



所以, 相处少了





Friday, July 9, 2010


well, wanted to sleep, but something was in my mind which make me can't really sleep or making myself not to sleep. I miss those days when I was still doing freelance job, this current job have taken all my time. I have no more time to spend with, I felt so sad though, really sad. Used to talk a lot, share a lot, but it won't be happen anymore. Everyone have their own thing to care and bother about, we are no longer like last time. I do really feel sad, but what can I do? I do hope that I am towards a more positive side, but the recent me, I can't.. hopeless and helpless...may be I should get used to it and making myself to get used to it? I just don't know, I am mood less..

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Well, Life isn't as perfect as we thought or as what we wish for. God like to have joke with us, he might just giving you some surprise here and there. Of course the surprise might be a good one or bad one. Recently, I am working with a company, the pay is low, trying to psycho myself , just go and learn and take experience first, but sometimes the psychology just doesn't work. Currently having a financial crisis, a lot of debt to be clear (luckily I am able to clear the debt 98%), this is the reason why I am in financial crisis. So, I am actually having a severe depression now. Thinking about money money and money. Besides, a friend of mine just got to know that his dad diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, seriously I admit I am boring in person, I do not know how to comfort him ( I do feel useless though) , looking at his face I felt so sad and so sorry. I wish I can do something at least to relief his worries and sadness one second or more but I failed. What I can do is just support you spiritually, I hope you are really fine, will be praying for you and your family. Telling him and myself, Be STRONG !!! Everything will be fine sooner or later!

Friend, We LOVE you... TAKE CARE ~

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Worried, it spread...

I started to worry about my future. Yea, it is suppose a holidays where I should go find jobs, practice piano for my coming recital. HOWEVER, all this doesn't really making me feel bad. What make me feel bad is that I start to worry about what could I do after my graduation?

Do I able to earn enough income to own a car?
Do I able to earn enough income to own a house?
Do I able to earn enough to get what I want?
Do I really earning money?
Do I able to SAVE money?

Yes, I am working as a freelancer, I do enjoy working as a freelancer as time doesn't restricted me from having my own little sweet time but yet I am not sure how long I am able to sustain to support my living. On the other hand, I do not like to work according to hours (office hours) it's really killing for me at least.

It really freaking me....I feel really depress at this moment. I AM REALLY WORRY....

Thursday, February 4, 2010

avatarsssssssss and love .....

好奇为什么我会放那么多的sssss 吧?今天是我第三次看avatar!厉害吧?但是,好戏是可以多看几次的!虽然看了三次,但是每一次都有不同的发现和领悟!那应该是件好事吧!里面有一句话大概是这样的:最重要的不是地底下的,而是在我们身边的!我们这些城市人,为了建造很多对我们有益处的,而危害了大自然。 最重要的我们忽略了! 人类可以自私到不顾人情,只要对自己有好处,根本没必要去理会他人的感受! 难道这就是21世纪的相处之道吗? 以牙还牙是我们要的吗?怨怨相报何时了啊?

LOVE is always what we longing.
Love yourself by loving others.
Love the people and everything around you!
Treasure them as they are the only ONE in your life!

So, I wanted to say I LOVE YOU ALL !!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


朋友介绍了一首歌给我听,听了才知道原来是一首N年前的歌。那天是我第一次听到这首歌,“大海” 。原唱者:张雨生 。 朋友介绍的是陈伟联的版本。歌词很有感觉,整个的arrangement把要表达的意思对象高峰。。。很爱这首歌。。

从那遥远海边慢慢消失的你 本来模糊的脸竟然渐渐清晰
想要说些什麽又不知从何说起 只有把它放在心底

茫然走在海边看那潮来潮去 徒劳无功想把每朵浪花记清
想要说声爱你却被吹散在风里 猛然回头你在那里

如果大海能够唤回曾经的爱 就让我用一生等待
如果深情往事你已不再留恋 就让它随风飘远
如果大海能够带走我的哀愁 就像带走每条河流
所有受过的伤 所有流过的泪

我的爱 请全部带走